
Rambam b’Iyun: Tumat Tzaraat

Rambam b’Iyun: Tumat Tzaraat, Chapter 5, Halacha 7
Tzoraas on a wound
Rambam b’Iyun: Tumat Tzaraat, Chapter 8, halacha 1
The Tumah of natural and unnatural hair loss
Rambam b’Iyun: Tumat Tzaraat, Chapter 9, Halacha 1
The power of the Kohen
Rambam b'Iyun: Tumat Tzaraat, Chapter 10, Halacha 5
Bris Milah versus Tzaraas
Rambam b’Iyun: Tumat Tzaraat, Chapter 15, Halacha 4
To what extent is someone affected by their neighbor, and the connection to Yud-Shvat?
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