The Ultimate
Sukkot Celebration

A DIY guide to hosting your very own celebration.

Host Your Very Own Own Sukkot Celebration!

Along with spending time in the sukkah and waving the Four Kinds, a central observance of the holiday of Sukkot is holding festive evening-time celebrations.

The biggest celebration of all in Temple times, was the six-day straight ’round-the-clock celebration on Sukkot, officially known as Simchat Beit Hashoeiva, or The Water-Drawing Celebration. Since the Temple was destroyed in Roman times, Jews have continued celebrating in their Sukkahs with family and guests.

To help you celebrate, we prepared a do-it-yourself (and print-it-yourself) booklet which you can use to lead your own celebration with your family. It’s chock-full of background info, stories to tell, thoughts to share—and daily tidbits. It even includes access to a free Jewish music app to play happy Jewish music in your Sukkah (on weekdays, of course).

Visit our Sukkot site to learn more about this joyous holiday »