
Food on Shabbat Questions and Answers

FAQ about Shabbat foods and food preparation: Why do we eat cholent on Shabbat? Is it permitted to warm up a fully-cooked item on Shabbat? And more...

How to Make Coffee on Shabbat
How can I make a cup of hot coffee on Shabbat, when cooking is forbidden?
Why Taste Shabbat Food on Friday Afternoon?
There is a time-hallowed custom to taste the Shabbat food on Friday afternoon to ensure it properly spiced and not burned.
How Does a Busy Working Woman Prepare for Shabbat?
I am a professional. I work a lot. Quitting is not an option, and I leave work on Fridays barely in time to arrive home by sundown. Help!
How Do We Add a Special Ambiance to Our Shabbat Meals?
I work full time, so I can’t cook anything very special for Shabbat . . .
Why Eat Fish on Shabbat?
Eleven Answers to One Question
Why Eat Kugel on Shabbat?
I’m a bit of a picky eater. So, I’d like to know: is there a deeper reason for me to be eating this stuff?
What is a Matzo Ball?
All About Matzo Ball Soup and Kneidelach
Served in chicken soup, matzo balls are dumplings made of matzo meal (ground matzo), egg, oil, water and flavoring
What Is Gefilte Fish?
Plus: A Classic From-Scratch Gefilte Fish Recipe
Gefilte fish ("stuffed fish" in Yiddish) is a dish traditionally enjoyed by Ashkenazi Jews on Shabbat and Jewish holidays. It contains ground fish that has been cooked (or baked) with other ingredients such as eggs, spices, and ground onions and carrots.
What Is Cholent?
Plus: A Tasty and Easy Cholent Recipe
Cholent is a culinary delight enjoyed by Jews of all backgrounds on Shabbat afternoon. Sephardic Jews refer to this dish as "chameen" ("the hot dish").
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