What kind of work can't we do on Shabbat? What does work mean in this context anyway? And how do we enjoy the Shabbat when there are so many activities we must avoid?
A brief summary of some of the Shabbat laws you are most likely to encounter, such as writing, shopping, carrying in the public domain, and business transactions
Aside for cooking, there are other food preparation activities one must avoid on Shabbat. Examples: squeezing fruit, selecting, kneading, grinding and mashing, and using electrical appliances
Although the halachic authorities concur that electricity per se is not considered fire, it is nevertheless universally agreed upon that one may not operate electrical appliances on Shabbat. There are various reasons offered for this...
A client of ours could receive an email that gives the impression
that it was dispatched on Shabbat, when in truth it was sent from a different
time zone, before or after Shabbat.
The basic rule of thumb as far as having a gentile do work for a Jew on Shabbat is that if a Jew may not do it, a non-Jew cannot do it for him. There are, however, various exceptions to this rule...