A window into the life, work, and exile of Mordechai Dubin (1889-1957), a towering leader of Latvian Jewry in the inter-war years. Dubin was the founder and driving force of Agudath Israel in Latvia, and a leading Jewish member of Latvia’s parliament during its existence. After a bloodless coup brought a dictator into power in Latvia, Dubin became the de facto sole representative of the country’s Jews. He played a central role in rescuing the Sixth Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Y. Schneersohn, of righteous memory, from Soviet imprisonment in 1927, and then again from Nazi-occupied Poland in 1939. Dubin was arrested by the Soviet government in 1941, eight months after when they occupied Latvia. His family perished at the hands of the Nazis, while he tragically died in Soviet exile in 1957.