There are different ways to describe ourselves, by what we do and who we are. Here's a completely novel way of finding the real you--and its accessible only once a year!
Are you the ultimate uninhibited extrovert? Or perhaps you are a definitive introvert? No need to conform. Cultivate your own unique path in your service of our Creator!
Which sister are you: the perfect, lovable individual or the weary, weakened, worried one? Here's how you can find your own inner light even in if you are surrounded by a harsh, wearying darkness.
Does Jacob's wrestling with the dark forces of reality in the harsh, lonely night remind you of your own struggles? Here's how to hold on to your faith.
Last week’s parshah describes the majesty of the giving of the Torah, a spiritually life-transforming experience. Why is it followed by the laws of negligent damages?
In 1979, life changed for Iranian Jews. Amid the chaos of the Revolution, the Rebbe rescued several thousand Jewish youth. Danny Yiftach was one of those children.
How many times today did you send yourself self-directed criticism telling yourself that you “are not enough”? Here's how to balance a positive sense of self with still striving to be better.
When Aaron experiences the greatest pain imaginable—the death of his two sons—he was silent. What did his silence mean? And how should we react to personal suffering?
Why were the sinful pans of rebellious mutineers transformed into a holy altar? Perhaps to teach us how to transform our perspective on how we view each other.
Although the ashes of the red heifer purify the impure individual, the Kohen becomes impure when performing it. Here’s the fascinating lesson we need to learn from this ritual.
Ultimately, I trusted her to her own devices, realizing that it is time for her to experience independence. And perhaps that’s a bit like this week’s parshah.
The Shema contains fundamental beliefs about G‑d, Torah and mitzvot. But much of the second paragraph repeats the first. Why the need for this repetition?
Judaism teaches us to be optimistic and positive, to highlight what we have rather than what is lacking. But here’s one time when this attitude is absolutely destructive.