
Shine a Little Light

An awesome music video in support of a rabbi with ALS

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Shine a Little Light: An awesome music video in support of a rabbi with ALS

This beautiful song is performed by various music artists, and was written and composed years ago by Rabbi Yitzi Hurwitz who is currently challenged with ALS and yet continues to inspire so many with his great joy and faith. (Music video was produced and directed by Chaim Marcus. Dedicated with love to Rabbi Yitzi & Dina Hurwitz)
ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)

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Anonymous August 8, 2024

such a nice song ❤️ Reply

JessicaAnn Carson Spokane via August 21, 2023

Wow 😮 this song hit hard. I have a friend who lost her husband a few years ago to A. L. S.

This is so uplifting. Really enjoy it. Going to share this with my friend. Reply

am yisroel chai January 27, 2022

mashiah now! Reply

Elianna Houston Texas April 21, 2021

I, heh um I am speechless I mean seriously the video, the story, and the song are amazing! I will say Tehillim every day for Rabbi Yittzy Horowitz! Reply

Y Israel January 11, 2021

I listen to this when I have to write difficult e-mails in getting through a particular life challenge and it really lifts me up and keeps things positive. It prevents me from getting burdened by the hardship and helps me fight the yetzer hara to feel negatively toward someone who has hurt me. That brings Moshiach sooner. You have more zechuyos than you know!!! Thank you!!
PS - and it's great that it's available for those who don't have Youtube! Reply

Nissi brooklyn March 31, 2020

i love this song Reply

Michelle USA September 23, 2019

My first symptoms of ALS occurred in 2009, but was diagnosed in 2011. I had severe symptoms ranging from shortness of breath, balance problems, couldn't walk without a walker or a power chair, i had difficulty swallowing and fatigue. I was given medications which helped but only for a short burst of time, then i decided to try alternative measures and began on ALS Formula treatment from Herbal Health Point, It has made a tremendous difference for me . I had improved walking balance, increased appetite, muscle strength, improved eyesight and others.  Reply

Schneur Zalman SIMI VALLEY May 4, 2018

He should get a big רפואה שלימה, I saw him on ל''ג בעמק. Reply

Schneur Zalman Simi Valley CA May 8, 2018
in response to Schneur Zalman:

He's a Shliach his name is Rabbi Horowitz I'm also a Shliach in Simi Valley CA USA, you should say a Kapitel of Tehilim(kapitel chof) for him or Mi Shebeirach. His name is:
Yoseif Yitzchak Ben Brachah. Reply

Anonymous rhode island December 1, 2017

such an inspiration! i love this song. I give much success to his wife and family. Reply

Anonymous london england November 21, 2017

hi my name is zalmy hi i love this song Reply

Racheli Perlov Next to a huge fire! (no joke!) October 19, 2017

How did they get together to sing it!
That had to be a lot of work! Reply

Hadassah Roswell, N.M. July 16, 2017

Baruch HaShem Thank you for shinning a little light in my day Toda Reply

Irena Leibovici Austria May 6, 2017

Splendid song, amazing personality, great family!
We hope and pray that a treatment will be find! Reply

Anonymous April 12, 2016

Rabbi Hurwitz's name is Yosef Yitzchak ben Brocha Reply

Anonymous April 7, 2016

tehillim whats his full name so that i could say tehillim for him Reply

Racheli Perlov Next to a huge fire! (no joke!) October 19, 2017
in response to Anonymous:

LOL! thinking the same thing!!! Reply