
Guest Columnists

Did Esau Really Forgive Jacob?
The plain reading of the relevant verses suggests this; however, there is debate about what actually occurred.
6 Lessons From Jacob’s Wrestling With the Angel
We also wrestle with spiritual doubts and conflicts.
How to Take a Break to Prevent a Breakup
Whatever the nature of a conflict, it is not the objective facts that drive it, but our thoughts that create the story around it.
A Time to Kill
Simeon and Levi—Paradigms for a Bar Mitzvah Boy?
Why did Simeon and Levi kill the people of Shechem? Were their actions morally justified? Morally imperative? And why do they serve as the prototype for the law of bar mitzvah, the Jewish boy’s attainment of maturity and responsibility?
A Jewish Mother
Suddenly, amidst all the noise, a wail pierced through the heavens. Mama Rachel, hearing her children’s cries, began weeping bitterly for her children. She was inconsolable. Her children were in pain!
The Cup Is Half-Full
A man with tens of millions, the owner of several homes around the world and a private jet, related wistfully of a colleague who built his own landing strip...
Alone Time
Why We Usher the Shabbat Angels Out
A person invites guests for dinner. He introduces the guests to his family, sits down at the table—and then not three minutes later, before the first morsel of food is served, the guests are shown the door...
So You Want to be Spiritual? Proceed with Caution
A Boring Life Can Be Terrible. A Drastic Move is Sometimes in Order—and Sometimes It’s Not
Sometimes it’s just a camel when it’s supposed to be a cow. A non-kosher offering to a pagan god.
The Peril of Perfection
An Essay on Vayishlach
In this world, we cannot attain absolute perfection, absolute truth, or absolute good. What is required of us is an incredibly difficult form of existence. We must live continually with partial truth, which stems from compromise.
What’s Up With Esau’s Kiss?
We should never underestimate the power of our good behavior on others, even someone with a long history of belligerence like Esau.
Why Jacob Prepared for Three Eventualities
Don’t get caught on a single-minded track just because it’s always worked for you. Be Like Jacob, and think outside the box.
Raising Jewish Kids to Be Jewish
Life Lessons From the Parshah
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