
As One

20 Menachem-Av, 5742 • August 9, 1982

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As One: 20 Menachem-Av, 5742 • August 9, 1982

G-d dispersed the Jewish people for their own sake. This ensured that Jewish communities would always thrive somewhere in the world, even when others, G-d forbid, would be oppressed. This also ensures that we can join together once again, back in our homeland, when “a great congregation will return there.”
Lubavitcher Rebbe
As One
20 Menachem-Av, 5742 • August 9, 1982
Disc 12, Program 48

Event Date: 20 Av 5742 - August 09, 1982

G-d dispersed the Jewish people for their own sake. This ensured that Jewish communities would always thrive somewhere in the world, even when others, G-d forbid, would be oppressed. This also ensures that we can join together once again, back in our homeland, when “a great congregation will return there.”

Already, we can experience the unity of the future by, “Loving your fellow as yourself.” To love someone, “as yourself,” implies that just as you feel close to yourself, no matter where you go and at all times, so too, you feel close to your friend, wherever and whenever it may be. No physical distance ever separates our souls.

Two Jews of different social backgrounds, are like two limbs of the same body. Each needs, helps and protects the other. Torah unites us all as one, and this “oneness,” is drawn into the entire world, bringing true peace amongst all nations.

Living Torah

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