It has been said that to teach a child to enjoy books is to open a window to a world of wonder; to the past and to the imagined future. It is to give a child a lifelong gift...
Parents are expected to be supportive of the school, supportive of the administration and faculty, supportive of its policies and to be fully engaged in the educational lives of their children.
One of the less admirable developments of our modern era, it appears, has been the gradual decline of refined language and civil behavior. The very idea of refined language seems somewhat quaint. What can we do to change attitudes about acceptable speech?
School officials want open and positive communication lines with their children's parents, but they want parental support for their policies and educational philosophy.
Change evolves when the administrators, educators and parent body work cooperatively, taking small indefinable, and incremental steps with a very specific goal oriented approach to success.
How wonderful it would be if every parent would make a special effort to make an encouraging comment to his/her child's teachers during the first week of school.
Educators advocate that schools actively teach more thinking skills as opposed to subject content. I wonder what of the moral underpinnings of our thinking processes?