Audio | 1:00:18 Beginner
Jewish Essentials - Part 3
Learn the basic principles for the Jew’s diet of kosher and whet your palette with its significance and meaning. This class is the third of a six-part lecture series titled ‘The Essentials,’ which introduces the foundations of Jewish life and living.
Audio | 1:06:24
Fine Dining the Jewish way: Discover the ins and outs of dining out on the road; keeping kosher out of your home and getting acquainted with kosher food and drink products at your local stores and pharmacies.
Audio | 59:38
1) Getting acquainted with “Kosher Spirits” 2) The "Real Deal" on Wine, Beer, Scotch & Single Malt Whiskies
Audio | 47:51
The laws, customs and deeper meanings of the prohibition of consuming blood.
Audio | 1:06:11
Were they always Treif, or did the Torah originally only prohibit a Kid in its Mother's Milk? Was this forbidden mix banned over concerns for Health & Nutrition? This taste of Kabbalah will give you lots to chew on as you learn about this mitzvah's essential ingredients.
Audio | 59:54
How and why did the pig become the ultimate symbol of Treif? Is this Mitzvah beyond human comprehension, or can you sink your teeth into the meat of this mystery? More importantly, was this succulent food always prohibited, and can it ever become Kosher?
Audio | 43:05
The Torah prescribes which animal species are kosher by requiring them to have specific identifying signs. What is the significance of these particular kosher signs?
Audio | 47:51 Advanced
This class provides profound insights into the mitzvah of eating Kosher.
Audio | 40:43 Advanced
This class explains the deeper significance behind the mitzvah of Tevilas Kelim - immersing food vessels in a Mikvah before their use.
Audio Advanced
These classes detail the intricate halachos of the kosher kitchen.
Audio | 1:04:03
This class surveys the laws of kosher, specifically the details of milk and meat.
Audio | 1:11:11
This class surveys the laws of koshering a kitchen, and also laws associated with immersing utensils known as tevilat keilim.
Video | 51:29
Understanding the Soul’s Diet
The dietary laws of kosher are divine commandments that transcend human reason, yet it makes sense that the soul needs a regulated diet.
The Jewish Dietary Laws
A three-part series introducing the basics of maintaining a kosher diet.
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- Kosher (303)