About Chabad-Lubavitch
About Chabad-Lubavitch Chabad-Lubavitch is a philosophy, a movement, and an organization. It is considered to be the most dynamic force in Jewish life today.
We Are One Chabad removes the barriers between Jews, building bridges of love of one’s fellow, bringing them together, teaching them about their enormous obligations of mutual responsibility and mutual affection; showing that we are one
The Shliach (Emissary) They are a team. Husband and wife. Shliach and shlucha. They are the emissaries of the Rebbe, the representatives of Lubavitch, the messengers of Chabad.
The Chabad House A Chabad House is a Jewish community center in the truest sense of the term-the nerve center of all the educational and outreach activities of the Chabad-Lubavitch lamplighter, serving the needs of the entire Jewish community
The Rebbe With the Rebbe at its helm, Chabad-Lubavitch has rapidly grown to be a worldwide presence, and all its various activities are stamped with his vision; small wonder then, that many ask, "What is there about his leadership that is so unique?"
The Campaigns An ever-burgeoning renaissance of belief and resurgence of interest in the traditions of Judaism. For countless individuals and families, that mitzvah-in-the-street was the first step on the road to an intensified identification with Jewishness, with Jewish education and Jewish observance.
Torah Teacher Throughout all of Europe, Israel, Africa, the Former Soviet Union, Australia, South America and North America, Lubavitch chassidim and graduates of Chabad institutions occupy prominent rabbinical positions.
The Youth When a child is born into this world, all its impulses and behavior are basically self-centered. It wants to eat, and sleep, and receive its mother's love; giving is a concept which is not yet within its grasp.
On Campus On leading campuses all across America the Chabad House offers the anchor and embrace of ‘family’ for Jewish students regardless of background, observance or affiliation.
The Women Chabad pioneered the concept that Torah knowledge must be an accessible necessity, not an unreachable luxury.
The Elderly The popular view of old people is that they are incompetent, "over the hill.” Age is considered a serious handicap; the aged are made to feel that they are a burden to those around them. In the business world, they are often forced to retire and make way for younger men
Visitation Programs In 1943, the Rebbe set up the mechanism to deepen the connection of remote American Jews to their people and their religion. To date, Chabad representatives have brought Torah, joy and warmth to Jews in over 150 countries.
The Forgotten To the shliach, each human being is an infinity, the spark is there, and nothing in the entire world is more important.
Former Soviet Union With restriction on religion being officially released, the ashes, glowing for seventy years, finally burst into flame. The warmth of Judaism began to glow for the millions of Jewish men, women and children across Russia who didn’t even know the meaning of the word “Jew”
All Mankind Witnessing the moral degeneracy of today’s society, what should the Jewish response be? Perhaps we should withdraw and become an isolationist community, concerned only with our own survival and developing our “chosenness” solely to our own advantage?
The Annual Conference The Kinus Hashluchim
Chances are that you’ve seen reports about a unique gathering that occurs annually in New York. Here's the inside scoop.