The community leaders infomed R. Shmelke that they had a special custom: every new rabbi was expected to add a new rule or custom to the chronicles of the community
Chassidic master Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Rymanov did not have money and he didn't care for money either. He was actually so poor that he often could not feed his children...
"Is that such a terrible curse?" Rabbi Bunem pondered. "It means that the snake is never hungry. Dust is everywhere; his table is always full, no matter where he goes..."
Isn't that what happens every time we get angry -- at a stranger, at a friend, at a loved one? We're not truly angry at them, but at the person we think they are...
It was a cold and miserable night; snow and sleet blew through the deserted streets. The miser asked the rabbi in, as usual. But the rabbi refused. “No,” he said, “I won’t be long . . .”
“My wife,” complained the man, “every week she makes for Shabbat a delicious kugel. I love that kugel! All week I work and shlep, just for that kugel! When I just think of that kugel, my mouth starts watering . . .”
"If that man would think about the money he would earn with his act, instead of concentrating on his rope, he would surely make a mistake and crash to his death..."
Proudly the rich man described to the Chassidic master his one daily meal, in which and ate and drank nothing more than bread with salt and a jug of water
A chassid came to see the Karliner Rebbe because he was depressed. “I’m not a good Jew,” he said. “I don’t study enough, I don’t know enough; all I do is work, work, work.”
The chassidic sage Rabbi Dov Ber of Radoschitz once asked his teacher and master, the famed "Seer of Lublin" about the right path to the service of G-d...
The visitor lost no time in explaining to the Baal Shem Tov that he had no special needs or problems which required any intervention or blessing. “Perhaps you’d like to hear a story, then?” asked the chassidic master.
The Baal Shem Tov's disciples were puzzled. Why was the old water carrier so much happier all of a sudden, with his same pair of tattered boots and his same old pails of water?