
2012: Operation Pillar of Defense

Remembering the Victims of Gazan Missile Attacks
Friends and family remember five who were killed during the past week.
Calls to Spiritual Action Continue As Fragile Cease Fire Takes Effect
Terrorist bus bombing in Tel Aviv injures 21; Soldier is sixth in Israel to die in attacks
Rockets Claim Two More Lives in Israel
Fallen soldier from town of Emmanuel; calls to spiritual action are heeded around the world.
Disaster Averted in Ashdod
Ashdod residents forced to cope with daily barrage of missiles.
Gazan Crisis Escalates
As missiles continued to rain down on Israel, Chabad volunteers fanned out throughout the country to uplift the spirits of a traumatized populace.
Palestinian Rocket Claims Lives
As the Israel Air Force struck terrorist targets in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip Wednesday night, enemy rockets continued to rain down on civilian centers, sending citizens scurrying into shelters, killing three residents of Kiryat Malachi.
Tears and Fears
The Kiryat Malachi attack of November 15, 2012
Operation Pillar of Cloud or Pillar of Defense?
How the Biblical Clouds of Glory Named an Israeli Military Operation
I've been following the situation in Israel this week. I've heard Israel's operation called both "Pillar of Cloud" and "Pillar of Defense." Which one is it? And what is the significance of those terms?
We Cannot Be Afraid
Drawing Strength from Our Past
Throughout our trip, we met tremendous people. Heroes. People who have endured through tribulation and continuously take the shirts off their backs for our land.
Umbilical Cord to Our Land
How do you help protect our brothers and sisters in Israel from the pokey mid-west?
Thoughts at the Siren