
Understanding Human Behavior

What I Think About When I'm Afraid of the Dark
Yes, adults are scared of the dark too
I can hear a thief fiddling with the lock, a serial murderer climbing through the window . . .
Some of My Worst Enemies Are Efficient
If I appear absent-minded, it is because I live in a more fluid reality
Don’t Tell Me to Cheer Up
If I am going through a hard time, I don’t want someone to tell me to be cheerful—I want someone to understand why I am miserable.
The Necessary Loss of Innocence
I think it’s telling that, in over forty years of leadership, the Lubavitcher Rebbe left New York City only three times: to visit the children at Camp Gan Israel and Camp Emunah, Chabad overnight camps in the Catskill Mountains . . .
Group Therapy
Spiritual group therapy has been standard practice by chassidic Jews for more than two centuries.
Just Be There
“I just found out that my friend is terminally ill, but I haven’t spoken to him, because I don’t know what to say.” I guess it’s like the bank—they will lend you money only if they are convinced you don’t need it!
The Secret of the Void
The Kabbalah of Self-discovery
The illusion of "I'm all alone in here!" is powerful, but not total. If we were totally cut off from an awareness of what lies beyond, chances are we'd be perfectly content...
3 Words to Watch Out For
Here are three words to look out for: If, Try and But. Spot them in your language and you’ve been caught red-handed being an unrepentant self-skeptic...
More Power To You
Does morality have any influence on a person's physical strength? A new discovery by scientists reflects ancient wisdom on the subject while providing new insight into a curious yet popular Jewish expression of appreciation.
How to Fail
In today's world, success is defined by outcome as opposed to effort. If you have invested tremendous effort but do not achieve a visible, measurable, dramatic outcome, you are deemed a failure. However, the Jewish definition of success is very different...
Are You Just ‘Doing Time’?
The author's experiences with prison inmates leads him to think that criminals aren't the only ones who are doing time...
Believing Is Seeing
No, I didn't get the phrase muddled up; it is the cliché itself that's backwards...
Why Do You Enjoy Professional Sports?
Why do people idolize pathetic home teams which contain not an ounce of talent? The answer to this question sheds light on our steadfast allegiance to the "Jewish Team"...
A Rich Man for a Day
Every beggar has a story, and I wanted to know the story of the beggar I met every week in my small Israeli town.
What Does Fatherhood Mean to You?
In a healthy relationship, the word father means love.
The Impostor Among Us
Chassidic Lessons from the Popular Game
The impostors work to sabotage and destroy what the crewmates do. Our job is to find them. Here's what it means to me.
Downloading Brain Science From Heaven
A Case Study
For the memory question, all four said that in general, people looked up. For the concentration question, all four said the majority looked down.