
When Darkness Falls

Kletzky Family Urges Increased Light
One week after their only son’s burial, Nachman and Itta Kletzky want people the world over to perform “acts of unity and loving kindness” to keep the memory of their angelic Leiby alive.
When the Unthinkable Happens
What about when it is the great-grandparents mourning their great-grandchildren? When it is a three-month-old baby in Israel with her throat slashed by a terrorist, or a two-year-old orphaned on his birthday in Mumbai, or the siblings of a nine-year-old brother in Brooklyn. And the list goes on...
Coping With Tragedy in Borough Park
Can we make peace with this?
Why is it that the biggest question we have for G-d receives no better answer than heaven's silent tear?
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Special Section: Leiby Kletzky