
Life and Times of Rabbi Sholom DovBer

Biography of Rabbi Sholom Dovber Schneersohn, the Rebbe Rashab
Rabbi Sholom Dovber devoted himself to the future of the Jewish nation by involving himself in education on all levels
Giving Chabad New Life
100 years later, it’s time to revisit the Rebbe Rashab’s obituaries and rewrite the story of his life
100 years later, it’s time to revisit the Rebbe Rashab’s obituaries and rewrite the story of his life
Rabbi Sholom Dovber made it his personal mission to help the Jews of the Cacausian Mountains, providing them with schools, teachers, and spiritual leaders
Despite the political upheavel in Russia, Rabbi Sholom Dovber persisted in his advocacy for Jewish education
The Chinese Matzah Campaign of 1905
During the Russo-Japanese War, tens of thousands of Jewish conscripts found themselves in China. Collaborating with the imperial Russian government, the fifth rebbe of Chabad-Lubavitch instigated a campaign to provide them with Passover matzah.
Purim in Petrograd, 1917
Rabbi Shalom DovBer of Lubavitch and the Russian Revolution
In the face of tyranny and upheaval, Judaism’s future always remained the Rebbe's foremost concern.
From Lubavitch to Shanghai: The History of Tomchei Temimim in 11 Images
Revisiting the Formative Decades of the Famous Chabad Yeshivah 120 Years Since its Establishment
13 Facts About Rabbi Shalom DovBer of Lubavitch
Join us as we discover the life and times of a Jewish leader and Torah scholar.
The Social Activism of the Fifth Chabad Rebbe
As the de facto leader of Russian Jewry, Rabbi Shalom DovBer Schneersohn worked tirelessly for the benefit of the Jewish community.