Dear Hakhel Leaders,

Can you believe it? We are in the final month of this precious year of Hakhel — and Rosh Hashanah is almost upon us!

Here is something new that you can do together: Hold a mini-tzedakah fundraiser for a local organization that supports Torah study and mitzvot.

Why tzedakah? Because on Rosh Hashanah, when we all stand before our Maker in judgement, we know that tzedakah — using our means to help others — saves us from any negative decrees. In the words we say each year during the High Holiday services: “Return, prayer, and tzedakah avert the severity of the decree.”

Here's to a successful fundraiser!

The Hakhel Team

Click the link below to access this month’s program.

Please send me resources to host a Hakhel!

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We'd love to hear from you!
How did your Hakhel go? Do you have pictures, or even just a brief report of what went well? Please email us at [email protected] and let us know.

See Hakhel Guides From Past Months: